Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Feb in a flash

This month has been cold and snowy, as it has been for the majority of you as well… I’ve actually been pretty busy anyways, because school was never cancelled, and Germans know how to drive in the snow, so it’s still possible to get places! Yay! The first weekend in feb, my foodie friends, aidan, and I went to Wuppertal to the Monet exhibit at the Von Der Heydt Museum. It was amazing.. over 100 Monet originals, as well as some of his influences, and some of his sketches. I’ve always loved Monet, and it was freaking amazing to be able to see so many of them up close and personal. The exhibit featured many of the different styles Monet went through, and also featured the different progression paintings, such as the cathedral, the mountains, and the river in different lights and weathers. I also got to see some paintings that I’d never seen before, such as the ones he painted in Norway. This past weekend, I went down to Marburg to hang out with Aidan, and to go to an “end of the semester” party that one of her friends there threw. Aidan and I went over the night before and cooked and baked, and helped prepare, which was a lot of fun. I made a NYC cheesecake, which ended up coming out a little bit weird, but I covered it with some homemade dulce de leche, and it was delicious! We also made a variety of dips, so carrot cake, and some hot buttered rum!
We got a ride back to Gö with my friend Benni, who had also come down for the party. The sun came out for the drive home, and it was beautiful seeing the countryside covered in snow, and not to have everything be gray and dull, as it has been since approximately September.. We also set a new land-speed record (well, for me, personally, at least) suffice it to say Benni is German, and he LOVES his autobahns…
That’s pretty much the only interesting stuff that has been going on with me, it’s been fairly hum-drum so far this month, but that’s fine…
Hope you are all dug out of the snow, and feeling good!