Thursday, September 11, 2008

....aaaand we're back!

YAY! so the past few days were spent in Altenberg, which is just outside of Cologne. Its a really old monastery, complete with cathedral, et al. All the english FSA's had to get together here and go through orientation, which was partly fun and partly useless. I got to meet a whole ton of other americans that are gonna be doing the same thing as me, but spread out all over germany, which is great, because i now have couches to surf on!! A bunch of them were really fun, and we ended up hanging out alot, and planning our oktoberfests together, which should be ridiculous!! i finally got to goof around and be myself, instead of trying to behave and not be overanxious re: finding an apartment. It was also really nice to find out that there kinda is a backup system for us in place, and that if we are stuck with something, we can actually do something to change it... i've decided i'm going to register for classes at the Uni here, even tho its gonna cost me an arm and a leg, and i'm hoping that i'll be able to get into this semester still... the beaurocracy involved is staggering, and even more daunting when your german is stuttering at best. oh well, something will work out! I'm going in later to pick up a course catalog, so we'll see what classes i can/want to take!

I don't start teaching until monday, and most likely for the first week or so, i'll just be sitting in on classes, until they can get a normal schedule for me, and teachers put in requests for my time (thankfully not to me!) I think i'm going to fit in pretty well at the school, the teachers are all pretty young and active, and i'm going to try to join in their activities as soon as i can, which will help my german too! I'm also about to post pictures to picasa from goettingen and altenberg, so click the link below, and check out the fun pics!!


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