Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Its tuesday, and....

So it’s been an interesting couple of days.. well, not really, actually… I'm finding that, besides my job, there’s not much else going on in my life. Göttingen is actually a little boring, although hopefully that will change when more uni students move in, and I can actually make some friends! Yesterday, I only had one block class, which started at 1130, so I got to sleep in, which was really nice. I got to do a little lecture on brave new world, which was fun! After fall break, which starts this Thursday, and runs for 2 weeks (YAY!!) I'm gonna show the class the movie Equilibrium, which is an amazing movie.. Today, I had my regular 4 classes, but for the first one, I got to teach spur of the moment, when the teacher felt sick. I pulled a lesson about sports outta my ass, and killed the 40 minutes I needed to! My last class was somewhat more memorable- it is 13th graders (abt 19 years old) and we did a short story about a father and son, and the relationship tensions btw them. We got to talk about living vicariously, and what the qualities of “perfect man” are. I asked them to list qualities that they think about when they think of the perfect man, and when I asked them to list them. After a few responses, one girl in the back raised her hand, and went “you.” The entire class went silent, and I think I more shades of red than I've seen. It was a bit difficult to regain speech and writing because I was trying really hard not to laugh, so I told her she needed to reset her standards, and continued on with class.
In other news, I bought bedroom furniture today!! I bought a wardrobe, and a desk! W00t! And it only cost me 60 euros including delivery!! Sweet! They’re coming Friday. So, now, I just have to buy all the accompanying crap like: hangers, a desk chair, a desk lamp, and a whole assortment of random other craps. Karen and I are planning an IKEA trip tomorrow, so that we can take care of all of it in one fell swoop, and then, hopefully by Friday afternoon, my bedroom will be all set up and orderly! I'm pumped!
AND oh man… Karen and I found what could possibly be my favorite store in Göttingen yesterday. It’s a store called ‘Vom Fass,” which means “from the tap,” and they have all sorts of liquors, cordials, wines, oils, vinegars, ciders, and everything imaginable that comes in a barrel, and can be poured from a tap. I bought some chili-oil that is amazing, and also got some honey vinegar and some quince vinegar (both for free.) the best part is, you can wander around the shop, trying all of these different things (which Karen and I did,) and so, by the end of our 30 minute tour, Karen and I were full of bread and olive oil, and I, at least, was close to being pretty damn wasted. All of their stuff is pretty amazing, and relatively inexpensive. I'm going to live there. I told the poor lady that worked there that she’d be seeing a lot of me.

So that’s it for news for me, I will update later in the week, and also take pics of the apt, once its all set up, and post them!!
thanks for reading!



finding myself along the way said...

:'( i miss you, cupcake.

finding myself along the way said...

PS: no fair, a two-week break!?!? whatcha gonna do for it?