Tuesday, August 25, 2009

case of the mondays on a tuesday.

So, I just started my second actual week of teaching, and in true German fashion, half of my classes for the week have been canceled. It’s "klassenfahrt" week, which means that lots of the classes and the teachers are away on school trips, so I’m either teaching alone, or classes have just been canceled. Now, normally, my schedule isn’t that intense: I work 5 hours on Tuesday, 4 hours on weds, and 3 on Friday. This week: 5 today, none tomorrow, and 1 on Friday. Out of a total of 12 hours that I normally work, I’m now working 6. Lots of free time is great, but there’s NOBODY HERE. I’ve been reading a lot, and playing by (not with!) myself outside. So far, I’m really enjoying the new school, and most of the kids and teachers are enthusiastic, but it’s again difficult to break into an already established micro-society, so I’m still very much an outsider… at least my German is much better than last year’s, so at least now I can converse with anyone who chooses to say hi! Nothing else really new to report, except that I made some bomb-ass pasta last night involving lots of veggies and home-made pesto sauce…

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