Monday, September 15, 2008

First day of school!

So today was my first day of school, which was kinda exciting! i felt like i was in kindergarten all over again, except this time sitting in the teachers' lounge, awkwardly staring at my feet while the other teachers stared at me, rather than beating up girls. I followed a 6th grade class around for the day, which was... interesting... they asked me all about myself in the english class, and i very quickly realized that i have absolutely nothing in common with 12 year olds. My favorite music, books, movies, bands, art... none of them (even the teacher) showed the slightest hint of recognition... oh well! it was interesting to see the social aspects of gradeschool from the teacher perspective. there was the nerdy kid no one wanted in their group, likewise the ADDchild that couldn't sit still for 2 seconds, the popular kids, it was all very interesting... they were all perfectly polite and nice and slightly scared of me, which is just the way i like it! I also got to meet a bunch of the teachers, once they had established that i actually belonged in the teachers' lounge (note to self: stop wearing a bookbag everywhere!) and i was invited to play in the teachers league volleyball matches every monday evening, which should be fun! They are all relatively young, and seem to want to get to know me, which is also nice, as long as they don't try to do it en masse, like they did today, where i met more than 40 new coworkers in about 5 minutes. i flat out told them i'm not going to remember names, so i'm gonna have to steal a yearbook and start trying to memorize :x shit!!
i left around 12, being that classes were almost over, and i needed to go to the ratshalle to get my visa, only to get there, and find out it has the most stupid and inconvenient hours in the history of german beaurocracy (which is a feat, lemme tell you!) so... yeah, i'll be going back on thursday, which is the only possible time during their daily 2 hour daily open period that i can go. so rude...
in other news, i went out to dinner tonight with all of the university fulbrighters, who are having their orientation in goettingen this week. there are two in the goettingen area, so hopefully we can hang out occasionally, but they all seemed very nice, and of course the free food and booze helped the situation!
in more other news, i have karen to thank, for apparently introducing me to a stalker/crazed 12ishyearold ballerina who wants to play with me whenever i have free time. everyone together now: THANKS KAREN! i may plead gay. or possibly desperately in love with karen... should be fun paybacks, in any case... i hope you're reading this karen, i'm sic-ing one of my students on you!

back to school tomorrow, i'm following around one of the 11th grade classes, before i start my scheduled term on weds, which consists of:
Mon: class at 750 and 1030
Tues: class at 750, 940, and 1030
Weds: class at 750, 94o, and 1220
Thurs: class at 840, 1130

aaaaand thats it!! more updates tomorrow, don't forget the now COMPLETELY uploaded Hannover pics, link to the right (it says KLICKEN SIE HIER, kids...)

1 comment:

Meg said...

i demand a photo of this alleged ballerina-stalker.